Sunday, June 19, 2011

Don't Like the Weather...Wait a Minute!

Can you believe it? It's June 19...and we had a hail storm this morning! At first I thought it was really heavy rain, but then I saw the little white chunks...and thunder & lightening, too.

Notice the very black sky as it was clearing.

The black quickly moved out an the sunshine came pouring down.

By the way, that's my new patio. It's been too cold and rainy to sit out there. Soon, I hope? *Sigh*

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

First Event of the Season - Part Three

Here are the last of the photos from our Fisheries Museum of the Atllantic trip. These first photos are taken from a delightful little boat, the Maud RM, on which we toured the harbour.

Looking towards the golf course.

In the direction of Garden Lots.

Green Peace vessel the Sea Shepherd

The tall ship to the right is the Caledonia, from the U.S.A.

A few of the town of Lunenburg.

Looking toward the golf course through a ship's window.

The water's edge.

Let's finish with a delightful little model boat Theodore Tugboat. Isn't he adorable?

I hope you enjoyed touring the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic with us.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First Event of the Season - Part Two

Here's the second instalment of our great day at the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic. They have two really awesome boats to explore: the Cape Sable, a decommissioned dragger, and the Theresa E. Connors, an old fishing schooner. Here are photos of the Cape Sable tied up to the wharf behind the museum.

BT and JT especially enjoyed pretending to be the captain.

This area is up in the bow of the boat.

This cabin is more spacious than the rest. It was probably the captains quarters.

Here are bunks where the crew would have slept.

And the dining area. Notice the wood frame around the table and between the place settings. This was to keep their dinner from flying to the floor as the ocean waves rocked the boat.

Here are a few photos of the Theresa E. Connors.

 The front of the boat is tarped because of a refit.

 It's lots of fun running about the deck.

 This old stove is below-deck.

This is a view below-deck, peering through distant doorways. Lots of natural wood and ambience of days gone by.

Next time, I'll show you photos of a harbour tour on a great little boat with a put-put engine.

First Event of the Season - Part One

On Sunday the kids and I went to the annual open house at the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic in Lunenburg. It's a great family day with lots to do and see. As I have a lot of great photos I'll be publishing this in its entirety over the next few days.

The first photos are the street view of the museum. This building was a fish processing plant until a more modern facility was opened outside of town in 1965.

Please excuse the "Public Washroom" sign in the first photo, although I imagine that is a welcome sight to those who have travelled far to get here.

This is the back of the museum where a wharf runs the entire length of the building and along the back side of the parking lot.

 This is one of many exhibit rooms.  Everything you ever wanted to know about lobsters is in this room.

Some old wooden lobster traps.

A large collection of hand-carved decoys. Aren't they great?

Here is a codfish made of wood.

In this room is a full size dorey. There were also lots of boat models, all hand carved. The details on them were amazing.

This beautiful painting is in the room dedicated to those who were lost at sea.The opposite wall holds the names of the many...

These are just a few of the exhibits. There are three floors packed with "stuff" to enjoy. Most everything pertaining to our rich history in the fishing industry is here. There is also an aquarium with many tanks of various creatures from the sea.

Next time, I'll show you photos of our exploration of the boats on-site.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thunder & Lightening!

Here are photos of the thunder and lightening storm we had last night. It was quite spectacular. Loud claps of thunder, incredibly bright lightening, heavy rain - nature was angry!

It's amazing that these were taken at night. I have linked to the story here  at Halifax's newspaper, The Chronicle Herald. They have some great youtube footage. It was quite a light show!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lunenburg: Old World Charm

Finally, the sun is shining; the rain has stopped. On this past gorgeous Sunday afternoon we decided to explore Lunenburg. It is a lovely little town with some of the most beautiful architecture in this area. Here are some photos we took of the skyline along the waterfront.

The large red building in the first photo is the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic. This is a great place to take children.  They have three floors of exhibits of Lunenburg's fishing history, local artist, whales, boatbuilding, and much more. There are even fishing boats to explore.

This is the Academy, a very impressive looking structure.

Here is the newly reonstructed Anglican church that was burned down by arsonists. The artisans who worked on the reconstruction did a fantastic job, don't you think?

Another church.

Street views. There are many one way streets. One must pay close attention to the road signs.

Waterfront properties.

We had fun playing in the gazebo in the centre of town. There's a play area next to it for kids. I had fun on the teeter totter with B. and J. I hadn't been on a teeter totter in many years...but you don't need to see that...

This little park overlooks the shopping district. There are some really good shops, art galleries, and restaurants.

Let's finish our afternoon with a stroll along the waterfront. These photos were taken from the wharves. I hope you had fun exploring Lunenburg with us.