Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pirate Festival and Regatta

The Pirate Festival and Regatta is being celebrated this weekend in Mahone Bay. I got a few photos at the wharf civic marina. It wasn't a large turnout, but everyone was having fun. There were several boats cruising the harbour with skull and crossbones flags, in full pirate dress.

There was even a pirate spotted in a kayak...

And a couple more standing guard onshore.

These two looked really good.

Here is a link for more information about the Festival. Lots of fun!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wild Flowers

I hope you're having a fantastic summer. We are! This photo-op is close to home. Really close. It's amazing what is hiding in the back yard! The wild flowers are really beautiful this year.

This next one isn't wild-it's on a rose bush.

The last two are the reason I was out with my camera. Isn't it beautiful?

More to add soon!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Privateer Town

This is the last of our visit to Liverpool. It is such a pretty little town. The inhabitants are very friendly and helpful. Upon wondering where to eat, as the pizza kiosk had just run out, we were recommended to Liverpool Pizzeria. It wasn't far so we took off on foot.

Liverpool Pizzeria is in a rather nondescript older building at 155 Main Street. Although they were very busy, we were found a table. We had a pizza; it was really good. They service is exceptional and the menu is surprisingly varied. If you have the opportunity - eat here. You won't be disappointed.

After stuffing ourselves, we thought we'd better walk to Fort Point instead of drive.

This is such a pretty house. I just love the shrubbery in front.

This is the view from the park into the street.

The lighthouse in the very heavy fog. It was dripping off the trees!

The rocks below the lighthouse.

This wooden soldier stands guard at a business on Main Street. Isn't he great?

Beautiful old house on the corner of Main Street.

One last look at the park by the harbour.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Privateer Days - Part Three

I have a few more photos of our trip to Liverpool for the Privateer Days celebration.

This horse and wagon ride was available for a tour around the town.

The swashbuckling pirates enjoyed a ride!

The RCMP were there with their helicopter - always popular.

Here we found a Mountie directing traffic. Doesn't he look great in uniform?

The last part coming soon - some great photos of the local scenery.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Privateer Days - Part Two

I have some great photos of our visit to the Historic Encampment at Fort Point. This was part of the Privateer Days celebration in Liverpool this weekend. Visiting this encampment is like going back 200 years. Kids love it. They get to see first hand what life was like then.

First view of the encampment.

Everyone going about their daily lives without electricity or running water.

This is a cooking device. They were roasting hams on a spit.

This gentleman is their surgeon. He was explaing how to do an amputation in 3 minutes. (Notice the saw in his hand.) You should have seen this man, he brought his character to life! If he's not an actor, he should be.

We were lucky to be there when they fired the cannon.

A lone soldier.

Privateer Days - Part One

Yesterday we made our yearly visit to the Privateer Day celebrations in Liverpool. It's a lot of fun! There is an open air market with everything from yard sale items to very talented artisans displaying their creations, a parade, a historic encampment, and much more. Visit their website here for more information on the weekend.

Part One features the parade. Unfortunately, we were a few minutes late arriving. The streets had just closed and the parade had just begun. I quickly parked at the Chev Dealership and we ran. We didn't miss much though.

There were Scottish bands. Don't you love bagpipes?

Gorgeous antique cars.

A pink Hummer. Everyone in the vehicle had on very colourful Tina Turner-style wigs.

This one gotta make you smile.

Smokey the Bear from Natural Resources. When I was in grade school, Smokey used to visit our school every year. He didn't drive a four-wheeler back then.

Swashbuckling pirates and their lady. Flawless performances!

I hope you enjoyed the parade. We did. Next time, I'll show you the Historic Encampment. It's incredible!